What song was it that Wilco did on Conan last night?
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S. Smith
2006-05-13 20:37:50 UTC
What song was it that Wilco did on Conan last night?

Is it called "We can do better"? Is it a new one from the upcoming

Any tentative title or release date for the new one yet?

- Scott Smith: ***@sludgereport.org
Book Blog: http://scottsbooks.blogspot.com
Blue States Rising: http://www.bluestaterising.blogspot.com
2006-05-13 23:51:32 UTC
Post by S. Smith
What song was it that Wilco did on Conan last night?
The song they played was written for Solomon Burke, but submitted after
the deadline for Don't Give Up On Me, or so the story goes. Not sure of
the title.

music: http://www.last.fm/user/freeloosedirt
photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/freeloosedirt

"When you go to the bathroom, you can't stand there and look at what
you just dropped. At some point, you have to flush."
- Kobe, after Game 6
The Soup Nazi
2006-05-15 02:23:51 UTC
Post by S. Smith
Is it called "We can do better"? Is it a new one from the upcoming
album? <<

It's known as "Is That the Thanks I Get?" Whether it will show up on
the next Wilco album or not, I can't say, but I'm glad they went on
national TV with a song you cannot find anydamnwhere yet! I haven't
heard anything about a possible title or release date for whatever it
is that's in the works; I'm guessing it won't be too soon though, since
'Born Again in the USA' is two months old and there's a new Golden Smog
album coming in July or so.

Here's an .mpg file of the performance, by the way:
